You Are Not Alone

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 17.3 million U.S. adults experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017. At some point in their lives:

Nearly 30% of U.S. adults suffer from an anxiety disorder.

Nearly 8% of U.S. adults suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Nearly 7% of U.S. adults suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Nearly 4% of U.S. adults suffer from bipolar disorder.

Nearly 2% of U.S. adults suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder.

A range between 0.5% - 3% of U.S. adults suffer from some form of an eating disorder.

A range between 0.25% - 0.64% of U.S. adults suffer from some form of a psychotic disorder.

Signs & Symptoms

Mental illness is very difficult to recognize. For years, individuals who suffered were often neglected or mistreated. When diagnosed, a person is often still stigmatized. As the effort to break this stigma continues, more awareness and support is necessary. Everyone is unique and will exhibit different symptoms; and the list below can be used as a starting point. If you recognize any of these signs in yourself or someone you know, you are not alone and help is available.

Feelings of shame, hopelessness, worthlessness and poor self esteem

Excessive or prolonged periods of anxiety and/or sadness

Extreme mood changes, including sudden feelings of irritability

Feeling tired or exhausted all the time

Feeling “aches and pains” without obvious causes

Changes in sleeping patterns and eating habits

Inability to carry out daily activities and neglecting personal care

Overly concerned with physical appearance

Avoiding social outings and difficulty connecting with friends and family

Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed

Trouble concentrating, staying aware or making decisions. Are you stuck in a rut?

Delusions or hallucinations indicating a difficulty in perceiving reality

Excessive use of drugs or alcohol

Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Care team handstack
Care team handstack

How to Help

It’s okay to ask for help and it’s vital to love and support those who suffer. Whether you recognize these signs in yourself or someone else, we must start a conversation. Reach out to someone you trust or be available to those suffering who reach out to you. Additionally, it’s important to recognize and reach out to individuals reluctant to accept help. To learn more about available support please see our additional resources.